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Monday, 12 December 2016

How To Treat Sunburn Naturally!

How To Treat Sunburn Naturally!

Cold Water – Dip a cloth in cold water and apply to the burn several times a day for between 10 and 15 minutes, this should relieve the inflammation
Witch Hazel – Dip a cloth in witch hazel and apply to burn areas. It has a reputed anti-inflammatory effect.
Oatmeal – Wrap dry oatmeal in a piece of gauze. Run cool water through it. Discard the oatmeal and soak compresses in the liquid. Apply every couple of hours or until relief is achieved.
Yogurt – Apply yogurt to areas that are burned. Rinse off then pat dry.
Tea bags – For sunburned eyelids, dip tea bags in cool water and press to the eyes. The tannic acid in the tea bags is reputed to relieve the pain from burns.
As with all remedies, work out what is best for you. Make sure that you are not allergic to any of these ingredients, and, if symptoms persist, see a doctor. For more tips visit

Friday, 2 December 2016

5 Holiday Safety Tips

5 Holiday Safety Tips



With the kids soon on holiday, and the vacations approaching, follow these common sense safety tips to make the best of your recreation time during the holiday season:
  • Wash Your Hands – Using soap and water, clean your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds to avoid catching germs.
  • Cover Your Nose – Last thing anyone wants when they have time off is the flu. Make sure if you sneeze that you cover your mouth and nose to avoid spreading germs. Even if your cold seems trivial, it can become worse in someone who catches it.
  • Avoid Stress – The one thing about the holiday season is that routine often goes out the window. We have kids around, visiting relatives and social events to prepare. Any one of these can significantly increase the stress you experience, and, imagine if you have all 3 at once! Your stress levels can go through the roof. Therefore, make sure you get enough sleep, and, BE BALANCED in what you intend to do with each parcel of time.
  • Health Check Ups and Vaccinations – Are you going away? Get a check up from your G.P. and ask what vaccinations are required in the destination you intend to travel to.
  • Exercise – Since most people eat WAY more than normal during the holiday season, it is important to schedule regular time for exercise. If your schedule is jam packed, try early in the morning when you have the invaluable alone time periods.
Follow these 5 tips and you may well survive the holiday period. At the very least your health will make you a nicer person to be around!

Visit housewindowcleaning for more tips!

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Commercial Window Cleaning Tips and Tool Advice From Melbourne Window Cleaners

So, you want to clean your commercial windows. What difference is there between your commercial and your domestic window cleaning needs? Firstly, consider the equipment you’ll need:
  • Normal tools: bucket, squeegee, applicator, scraper, detergent.
  • Height related tools: extension pole, ladder(plus extra man for Health and Safety concerns)
  • Water fed pole with Pure Water Technology(for display showroom glass and higher, difficult to access areas)
  • Abseiling gear and ‘B.M.U'(Building Maintenance Unit experience and tickets)
  • Bollards or ‘Slippery when wet’ signs(To prevent costly litigation)
  • Mop or other water soaking equipment(to stop slippery, dangerous mess being left)
Most of this equipment is relatively inexpensive with the exception of Water Fed Poles, Ladders etc.
But, is there any difference in cleaning techniques? Aside from using Pure Water Fed Poles, the techniques are similar. However, with commercial cleaning requirements, the publics’ proximity to the work area becomes a major consideration, hence the need for the safety signs as mentioned above.
Cleaning showrooms will often involve larger areas or glass and higher reach requirements than generally found in domestic window cleaning situations. This fact may alter the type of detergent that is required. A lower foam, professional cleaning solution may be necessary if longer times are required between soaping and squeegeeing. Since all water applied to the glass will likely start evaporating before the squeegee can be applied, having less foamy detergent will mean less ‘smokey’ haze will be left on the glass.
Another consideration are the displays around the worksite. Car showrooms, shops and warehouses are likely packed wall to wall with displays. This means that there will be less room for maneuvering to clean, and, will increase the chances of costly damage to merchandise. In this situation, having the another worker as an extra set of eyes can mean the difference between making a profit on the job and incurring a large debt due to damages incurred.
Clearly, commercial window cleaning has many more considerations than domestic window cleaning and should only be handled by experienced professionals such as Housewindowcleaning. Call us today to get the job done right, first time, every time!

5 Tips For A Healthy Family

visit for more tips!